
Persistent pain in the upper and lower limbs

I have treated several patients suffering from persistent pain in the upper and lower limbs. Despite imaging exams that did not reveal lesions in the painful region, and despite having undergone other treatments, these patients continued experiencing symptoms. In most of these cases, the main cause of the issue can be found above or below the problematic area. As an example, pain in the elbow can be triggered by a biomechanical issue at the wrist, or originate from the neck due to the nerve connections. By a similar reasoning, a lack of hip or ankle joint mobility, or nerve irritation stemming from the low back, can lead to knee pain. A detailed assessment will allow us to formulate a treatment plan that will consist of manual therapy and specific exercises. For further information, or to schedule an appointment with me, please leave me a message at 514-934-2334 ext 509.

Pain and the Connectivity of Different Parts of the Body

Recently, I was treating a patient who had knee pain and difficulty doing certain sports activities. Radiological exams did not reveal any lesions in the knee. During the physiotherapy assessment, the knee pain could not be elicited. However, I found a muscle weakness in the hip/gluteal area as well as a significant lack of joint mobility in the foot. Thus, my clinical impression is that the issues in the hip and the foot were contributing to the knee pain, since the entire leg like other regions of the body functions as a whole, like a chain. In the end, without having to directly treat the knee, we succeeded in eliminating the pain and in significantly improving his athletic performance. In conclusion, in certain cases, the factors contributing to pain in a specific part of the body can originate from elsewhere due to the connectivity of various areas.

Physiotherapy and Sexual Function

Although sex is often a delicate and even a taboo subject, it is a significant part of human life and activity. With regards to physiotherapy, it is the "activity" aspect that is pertinent. Sexual intercourse involves most of the body, from the head to the feet. Musculoskeletal pain and nerve-related symptoms (tingling, numbness) can hinder sexual acts or be aggravated by the latter. As a health care professional, helping people improve their sex life by treating biomechanical issues forms part of the clinical skills of the physiotherapist. For more information, you can contact me at 514-934-2334 ext 286.

Shoulder Tendonitis

Shoulder tendonitis involves an inflammation of a tendon, the part of the muscle that attaches to the bone. Repetitive movements and positions or sudden awkward movements can lead to tendonitis.

Contributing factors often include faulty biomechanics, which is one of the main targets of physiotherapy. Anatomical components that can adversely affect biomechanics are joint mobility limitations in the shoulder or upper back region, erroneous positioning of the arm or the back during certain movements, and an imbalance in the strength of muscles in the upper extremity and the back.

Assessment in physiotherapy helps determine the factors causing pain, and a treatment plan is then formulated according to these factors and the patient's needs and goals. The treatment sessions often entail a combination of manual treatments, exercises, and advice regarding posture and the proper execution of specific movements. Consult a licensed physiotherapist to begin the process towards recovery!

My Tailored Physiotherapy Approach

Assessment in physiotherapy involves a systematic analysis of the problem at hand (pain, lack of movement, etc) in order to devise a treatment plan that is congruent with the patient's / client's goals.

My clinical approach consists of determining the contributing factors by evaluating the joint mobility (manual therapy), the movements that relieve and aggravate the symptoms (McKenzie method), and the biomechanics of the affected movements and activities (postural approach).

This detailed analysis allows us to establish the relative importance of the above methods in the patient's care, which is carried out through manual treatments, patient education, and prescribed exercises.